Friday, May 31, 2013

Online Life

I am now sorting out my online life. Facebook, twitter and Hello Pretty.
Hopefully I will be able to figure out how to put links onto my page.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Africas Bent up by hand

Forged Africa

1st test piece for a forged Africa. So that the southern part of Africa is more noticeable.

Africa Jig

I created a jig to made my Africa's for the platinum project because we only get 20g of platinum so it is better to work in wire then with piercing and casting.

Although the jig is a good idea its a bit dangerous because I had to cut the pin heads off the pins so I kept cutting mt fingers on the sharp edges. You can see the blood on the wooden block.

Necklace design

Monday, May 20, 2013

Natural Blackening

Kelly Jean Conroy

bone, oxidized copper
The reason I am attracted to this piece is because it feels so delicate. I also like the contrast in colour between the copper and the bone. 

Pierced Pastel Lace Earrings


I love the colour in these earrings. According to Pinterest she uses spray paint to achieve these colours. I really want to try this soon.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Playing with my Africas

For Arrow this year we are using the Palmeit nature reserve as inspiration for the Hidden Gems Exhibition. I am playing around with how I can make organic forms from my cast Africa pendants. 

Casting candy floss

One of the 3rd years flasks from casting.

Beautiful Chocolate from Woolworths

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My Hello Pretty Store

This is my Hello Pretty page. Took ages taking all the photo's to make sure that they would be attractive to people. I am very excited about having a page on Hello Pretty because you can only get one by invite. I hope it does well and helps my business grow. 

Hello Pretty

Finally got my act together and opened my store in Hello Pretty. At the moment it only has my Africa necklaces but it will be expanding soon.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Heart & Africa Rings

This is the range of rings I did for the I Heart Market. They are made of sterling silver with a resin inlay.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

PPC Heart

We had to 1st carve out our basic shape for our cement pieces. And then you would coat this heart in cement with a layer about 3mm thick.


We got a lesson today by PPC on how to work with cerment. I absolutely loved it! I think it just felt good to be able to just make something, just because that is what popped into your head and no one is judging it. I think we all got to let our hair down and just made silly fun things.

Africa Pendants

Display Box

I bought this box and thought it would make a really nice display box for my africa necklaces. I have put hooks into the top for the necklaces to hang now I just need to paint it white.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Cast pieces


These are my 2 pieces which I used Epoxy mixed with Acrylic paint. 
This gives the pieces a very hi-gloss finish but I did not relise that the Epoxy couldn't be filed or sanded because it just goes gummy which I learnt the hard way. So when I use this twchnique again I will make sure that the Epoxy is completely. 

Plastic Over the Resin

I found out from one of my lecurers that if you put plastic over the Resin that it would help the resin to dry quicker but I think my pieces were too full of resin and the plastic caused the resin to overflow.